Viihteellisiä uutispoimintoja muista medioista


Porilaisten Marssi -Björneborgarnas marsch – March of the men of Pori

Lyrics in English

Translation by unknown, 1901[1]

Sons of a people whose blood was shed,
On Narva’s field; on Poland’s sand; at Leipzig; Lützen’s dark hills under;
Not yet is Finland’s manhood dead;
With foemen’s blood a field may still be tinted red!
All Rest, all Peace, Away! begone!
The tempest loosens; lightnings flash; and o’er the field the cannon thunder
Rank upon rank, march on! march on!
The spirit of each father brave looks on as brave a son.

No nobler aim
Could light us to the field;
Our swords are flame;
Nor new our blood to yield;
Forward each man, brave and bold!
Lo! the glorious path of Freedom, centuries old!

Gleam high! Thou banner Victory-sealed!
In the grey bygone days, long since, all battle-worn,
Be still our splendid colours, though tattered, onward borne!
Of Finland’s ancient Standard there’s yet a shred untorn!



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